Who was considered for Star Wars?
Before being cast in Raiders of the Lost Ark, Allen had auditioned to play Princess Leia.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
Mel Blanc (famous voice talent) auditioned for the voice of C-3PO.
BABYLON 5's Captain Sheridan auditioned for the role of Luke Skywalker.
George Lucas considered him to play Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
According to imdb.com, Robert Englund auditioned for the part of Luke Skywalker. He didn't get the role, but he talked Mark Hamill into auditioning.
Actor who got the part: Mark Hamill
Jodie Foster was Lucas' second choice to play Princess Leia.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
Auditioned for the role of C-3PO. Suggested George Lucas go with the actor who played the part on the set.
Actor who got the part: Anthony Daniels
Amy Irving reportedly auditioned for the role of Princess Leia and ended up getting the role of Sue Snell in Carrie.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
William Katt (The Greatest American Hero) auditioned to play Luke Skywalker.
Actor who got the part: Mark Hammill
Considered for the role of Han Solo. Not cast in the movie, but played the role in the radio adaptation.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Turned down the role of Grand Moff Tarkin. Suggested Peter Cushing play the part.
Actor who got the part: Peter Cushing
Lucas originally wanted an Asian actor to play Obi-Wan Kenobi because of George Lucas's love of Akira Kurosawa movies (watch "the Hidden Fortress" to see where most of Star Wars came from), but ultimately the studio and George felt it would be a better selling point to have a well-known white actor in the role.
Actor who got the part: Alec Guiness
Considered for the role of Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
The lead singer of the 80s pop group "Berlin" did a screen test for the role of Princess Leia.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
Supposedly turned down the role of Han Solo in Star Wars.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Eve Plumb was considered to play Leia.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
Reynolds was considered for the role of Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Considered for the role of Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
P. J. Soles was considered to play Princess Leia Organa.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
According to Lucas, Sylvester Stallone was considered for the role of Han Solo (along with over 1000 others).
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Considered for the role of Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Welles was considered to do Darth Vader's voice.
Actor who got the part: James Earl Jones
Billy Dee Williams had tested for the role of Han Solo in the original film.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Williams was considered to play Princess Leia.
Actor who got the part: Carrie Fisher
James Woods auditioned to play Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
See more 1970s trivia
