Roles turned down by Robert Downey Jr.:
Robert Downey Jr. was the first choice for Eddie Thomas, but his personal/legal problems interfered.
Actor who got the part: John Cusack
Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Andrew Glass but lost the role because of legal trouble.
Actor who got the part: David Morrissey
Robert Downey Jr. was reportedly considered for the role of Cry-Baby.
Actor who got the part: Johnny Depp
Robert Downey Jr. was considered for the role of Edward Scissorhands.
Actor who got the part: Johnny Depp
Woody Allen originally planned to make the movie with Winona Ryder and Robert Downey Jr but couldn't get bond the movie with insurance companies, because of their current problems.
Actor who got the part: Will Ferrell
Almost cast as Duckie when the ending had Andie getting together with Duckie. Per Molly Ringwald, this ending may have stuck if Downey won the role because he didn't give her the "brother vibe" Jon Cryer did.
Actor who got the part: Jon Cryer
Robert Downey Jr. was considered to play the lead role of Lloyd Dobler.
Actor who got the part: John Cusack
Colin Farrell, Val Kilmer, Robert Downy Jr. were all originally attached.
Actor who got the part: Matthew Lillard
Robert Downey Jr. was originally attached for the role of Sam.
Actor who got the part: Matt Dillon

Did you know that Robert Downey Jr. was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)