Roles turned down by Jennifer Lopez:
At one point, Jennifer Lopez was considered for the lead role in the box office bomb THE ADVENTURES OF PLUTO NASH.
Actor who got the part: Rosario Dawson
Lopez auditioned for the Salma Hayek role. There are photos floating around the internet.
Actor who got the part: Salma Hayek
Lopez revealed in a 1996 interview that she always wanted to do a musical and in fact auditioned for Evita.
Actor who got the part: Madonna
J.Lo reportedly turned down the role because she found flaws in the script and chose to work in "Anaconda" instead.
Actor who got the part: Salma Hayek
Jennifer Lopez was turned down for the role of Lucilla.
Actor who got the part: Connie Nielson
Turned down the role of Melinda Moores.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Clarkson
Lopez turned down the role of Sara.
Actor who got the part: Eva Mendes
Jennifer Lopez turned down the role of Linda McKay so she could star in the Cell.
Actor who got the part: Elisabeth Shue
Lopez turned down the Renee Zellweger role because her agent did not think it was a good match.
Actor who got the part: Renee Zellweger
J-Lo was considered to play the title role.
Actor who got the part: Angelina Jolie
J. Lo wanted a part in the Mike Newell adaptation of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Love in the Time of Cholera.
Actor who got the part: Catalina Sandino Moreno
Lopez was considered to do voice of Gloria the Hippo.

Did you know that Jennifer Lopez was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)