Roles turned down by Vanessa Redgrave:
At the last minute, the great actress and beauty backed out playing a homely girl who is pursued by her father's boss.
Actor who got the part: Lynn Redgrave
Vanessa Redgrave was offered the part of Aunt Constance, but turned it down and was replaced by Maggie Smith.
Actor who got the part: Maggie Smith
Redgrave was considered for the role of Cathryn.
Actor who got the part: Susannah York
Vanessa Redgrave turned down the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Raquel Welch
Redgrave backed out shortly before shooting began after her high salary demands were rejected. Her character was scrapped from the film.
Actor who got the part: None
Redgrave had played the part onstage for a long run, and wanted to move onto other projects.
Actor who got the part: Maggie Smith
Vanessa Redgrave auditioned to play Joan of Arc.
Actor who got the part: Jean Seberg
Considered for the role of Louise Elizabeth Sawyer.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon

Did you know that Vanessa Redgrave was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)