Roles turned down by Jean Seberg:
She was one of the actress considered of the femal leading role.
Actor who got the part: Faye Dunaway
Director Francois Truffaut considered the beautiful, mercurial actress to star in his movie version of the Ray Bradbury novel about a totalitarian society that forbids reading novels.
Actor who got the part: Julie Christie
Director Terence Young flew from his home in Rome to Paris in order to try to convince Seberg to take a co-starring role alongside Richard Burton and Lee Marvin.
Actor who got the part: Linda Evans
Originally slated to appear in this film, reuniting her with producer Georges de Beauregard, Seberg committed suicide before filming began.
Actor who got the part: Mimsy Farmer
Newly acquired by Columbia, Seberg was one of the young starlets suggested to director Carol Reed for the role of Millie.
Actor who got the part: Jo Morrow
Was a potential contender for the role of Joanna.
Actor who got the part: Katharine Ross
She did a screentest for the role but was turned down.
Actor who got the part: Sharon Tate
Jean Seberg was also considered for the leading role.
Actor who got the part: Natalie Wood

Did you know that Jean Seberg was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)