Who was considered for Apocalypse Now?
First choice to play Col. Lucas (Harrison Ford) but he wanted too much money.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Mrs. Coppola said in her book "NOTES" that after Steve McQueen turned down the role of Willard it was offered to Eastwood who sadly turned it down. It's been reported that Eastwood found the role "too dark."
Actor who got the part: Martin Sheen
Two books report that Coppola wanted Harrison Ford to play a larger role in "Apocalypse Now" but he turned it down not wanting to spend so much time in the Phillipines.
Actor who got the part: ????
Hackman was considered for an early role in the film.
Harvey Keitel was actually cast as Willard but was fired 2 weeks into production.
Actor who got the part: Martin Sheen
George Lucas was originally going to direct Apocalypse Now before Coppola chose to direct himself.
Actor who got the part: Francis Coppola
Coppola considered having friend Malick, director of Badlands etc, and his sister Talia Shire play characters from Conrad's Heart of Darkness but decided against adding the characters.
Steve McQueen turned down the role of Captain Willard. Reportedly the first actor to be offered the part.
Actor who got the part: Martin Sheen
Jack Nicholson turned down the role of Willard.
Actor who got the part: Martin Sheen
Considered for the part of Willard.
Actor who got the part: Martin Sheen
Redford was considered for a role in the film - rumored to be either Willard or Kurtz.
Orson Welles was Francis Ford Coppola's first choice to play the part of Colonel Kurtz, but he turned the role down. Welles himself had earlier tried to direct a movie of "Heart of Darkness", The Joseph Conrad novella upon which "Apocalypse Now" was based.
Actor who got the part: Marlon Brando
See more 1970s trivia
