Who was considered for Bewitched?
Aniston was considered to play Samantha.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Was a contender for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Jim Carrey turned down the role of Darrin because of prior commitments.
Actor who got the part: Will Ferrell
Cameron Diaz was considered to play Samantha.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
In development for over 10 years, Melanie Griffith was originally going to star, but went the project was shelved until it went into production, Griffith was too old for the part.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Was considered for the role of Samantha, but producers turned her down because she was too young.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Gwyneth Paltrow was considered to play Samantha.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Silverstone was considered to play Samantha.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
See more 2000s trivia
