Who was considered for Bram Stoker's Dracula?
Was considered for the role of Dracula.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
Was considered for the role of Dracula.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
Was considered for the role of Dracula.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
A virtual unknown but after testing Coppola said he had 'found his Dracula'. But when Gary Oldman said he wanted the part Carter was cast aside. Out of interest, at the time of audition Carter had long black head and a beard - look at Oldman in the film!.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
Francis Ford Coppola's first choice for Jonathan Harker. The idea was voided by the studio.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
According to Empire magazine, Garcia turned down the lead role due to the 'gore' content.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
Mortensen was considered to play Dracula.
Actor who got the part: Gary Oldman
Liam Neeson was considered for the role of Van Helsing.
Actor who got the part: Anthony Hopkins
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