Who was considered for Bull Durham?
Christine Baranski turned down the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Was considered for the female lead role.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Kate Capshaw auditioned for the role of Annie.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Was considered for the female lead role. However, she was starring in "Working Girl" at the time.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Had the lead role but lost it to Susan Sarandon when producers opted to go with a more profitable star.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Lost out to Susan Sarandon for the role of Annie, because producers wanted a more profitable star.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Was considered for the female lead role, but dropped out in order to play Kathryn Murphy in "The Accused".
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Michelle Pfeiffer auditioned for the role of Annie Savoy but wasn't cast for being too young.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Isabella Rossellini was offered the lead role in "Bull Durham", but turned it down in a fear of being typecast as a "femme fatale".
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Russell was considered for the role of Crash Davis. (he actually helped develop the script too)
Actor who got the part: Kevin Costner
Turned down the role of Annie due to scheduling conflicts from TV series "Moonlighting".
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Winger turned down Susan Sarandon's role.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
See more 1980s trivia
