Who was considered for Fight Club?
Considered for the role of Marla Singer.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
According to Peter Finch, Anna Friel narrowly missed out on a leading role in "Fight Club" to Helena Bonham Carter.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
Due to a locked contract with "Buffy the Vampire Slayer", Sarah Michelle Gellar wouldn't approach the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
Courtney Love was considered to play the part of Marla Singer.
Sean Penn was seriously considered to play the title role of Tyler Durden.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Ryder was considered for the role of Marla Singer.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
Considered to play Marla Singer.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
Reese Witherspoon turned down the lead female role because, like her friend, Ren�e Zellweger, she didn't like the script. UK director David Fincher found Reese was too young and she found the script too dark.
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
Director David Fincher explains on the DVD commentary that Ren�e Zellweger was offered the part, but turned it down because it was "just too dark".
Actor who got the part: Helena Bonham Carter
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