Who was considered for Forever Amber?
Cummins began filming the title role of "Amber" in the lavish, racy costume epic from a bestselling novel but she was let go and replaced.
Actor who got the part: Linda Darnell
Told Rex Reed that she was considered for the lead role, but added "What would I have done for bosoms?"
Actor who got the part: Linda Darnell
Margaret Lockwood turned down the lead role apparently because of her previous experience of Hollywood. Before the Second World War, she had played second lead to Shirley Temple in Susanah of the Mounties.
Actor who got the part: Linda Darnell
Cast as "Lord Almsbury," Price was replaced when star Peggy Cummins was fired and the title role was re-cast.
Actor who got the part: Richard Greene
Gene Tierney was offered and declined the role of Amber St. Clair, thinking it was a tacky story.
Actor who got the part: Linda Darnell
Lana Turner was considered to replace Peggy Cummins as Amber St Clair in this Otto Preminger film.
Actor who got the part: Linda Darnell
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