Who was considered for It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World?
George Burns reportedly turned down a role.
Director Stanley Kramer wanted Garland to play the shrewish wife of Ernie Kovacs. Kovacs was tragically killed in a car crash and, when he was replaced by another star, the idea of casting Garland made less sense.
Actor who got the part: Ethel Merman
Bob Hope reportedly turned down a role.
Originally, Buster Keaton had the role of Smiler Gorgan. When the role was reassigned to Jimmy Durante, they gave him a different role.
Actor who got the part: Jimmy Durante
Kovacs was set to play "Melville Crump," but was killed in an automobile accident.
Actor who got the part: Sid Caesar
Laurel was offered to appear, but declined, because he felt he couldn't work without his deceased partner, Oliver Hardy.
Ethel Merman's role was originally going to be a "father-in-law," and Groucho Marx was a choice to play it.
Actor who got the part: Ethel Merman
Jackie Mason reportedly turned down a role.
Don Rickles reportedly really wanted a role, but was never offered one. Whenever Stanley Kramer came to one of his shows, Don would always give him trouble about it.
Red Skelton reportedly turned down a role.
Ed Wynn was supposed to play the fire chief at the end of the movie.
See more 1960s trivia
