Who was considered for One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest?
Anne Bancroft was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Marlon Brando was considered for the role of McMurphy.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Ellen Burstyn was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Caan was considered for the role of McMurphy.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
The "Harold and Maude" star turned down the role of "Billy Bibbit."
Actor who got the part: Brad Dourif
Dewhurst was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
After starring in the 1963 Broadway version, Kirk Douglas bought the film rights but no studio would make the film. He later passed the film rights to his son Michael Douglas.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Shelley Duvall had been suggested to Milos Forman for the role of Candy, the prostitute. When Forman screened THIEVES LIKE US to see if she was right for the role, he spotted Louise Fletcher, and cast her as Nurse Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Marya Small
Fonda was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Hackman was considered for the role of McMurphy.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Angela Lansbury was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Jeanne Moreau turned down the part of Nurse Ratched for personal reasons.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Page was considered for the role of Ratched.
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
Burt Reynolds was considered for the role of McMurphy.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Turned down the role of "Nurse Ratched."
Actor who got the part: Louise Fletcher
See more 1970s trivia
