Who was considered for Quatermass and the Pit?
The British character actor was considered for the Quatermass role.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
Finchie was seen as a possibilty for the role of Quatermass.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
The British star was considered for the leading role.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
The American Oscar winner was the first choice to play Professor Quatermass.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
He was considered a possibility for the main role in the picture.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
The popular British actor was at one time considered for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
This Hammer regular was seen as a possible Quatermass.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
Sir Anthony was listed as a possibility for the character of Quatermass.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Keir
See more 1960s trivia
