Who was considered for Superman?
Muhammad Ali turned down an offer to star in the film.
Director Richard Donner approached Ann-Marget to play "Eve Tessmacher," but negotiations broke down over salary.
Actor who got the part: Valerie Perrine
Auditioned to play "Lois Lane."
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Considered for the part of Superman.
Auditioned to play Superman.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Auditioned for the role of "Lois Lane."
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Jeff Bridges was seriously considered to play Superman/Clark Kent.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Tested for the part of Superman.
Unwisely turned down the lead role of Superman.
Auditioned to play "Lois Lane."
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Producers considered her to play Ma Kent, but she was too ill by that time.
Clint Eastwood turned down the part of Superman.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Sam Elliott was considered for the role of Superman.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Fresh off of Star Wars, Carrie Fisher was said to be considered to play Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
The director's first choice to play Eve Tessmacher.
Turned down the role of Lex Luthor.
Actor who got the part: Gene Hackman
Jenner was considered for the role of Superman.
Singer Elton John was considered to play Superman.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Tested for the part of Superman.
Jessica Lange didn't turn down the role of Lois Lane only, but also Eve Tessmacher.
Was considered for the role of Lois Lane, but producers turned her down because she was too young.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Considered for the role of Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Liza Minnelli auditioned for the part of Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Tested for the part of Superman.
According to the documentary "Taking Flight", director Richard Donner reveals that Nick Nolte was being considered for the film.
Considered to play Superman.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
She was considered for the role of Lois Lane and was eventually used to screen test other actors, including Christopher Reeve, for the role of Clark Kent.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Director Sam Peckinpah was considered by producer Ilya Salkind to direct Superman.
Auditioned to play "Lois Lane."
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Redford was considered for the role of Superman.
The studio considered Reynolds to play Superman.
Tested for the part of Superman.
Steven Spielberg turned down the chance to direct Superman. He had shown interest but then Jaws became a hit and he went on to other things.
Considered for the part of Superman.
Considered to play Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Jon Voight was actually cast as Superman but was let go by producers.
Auditioned to play "Lois Lane."
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
Wayne was offered the part of Superman, but declined because of his father's cancer (John Wayne).
Actor who got the part: Christopher Reeve
Considered for the role of Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Margot Kidder
See more 1970s trivia
