Who was considered for Thelma and Louise?
Billy Baldwin was considered for the role of the sexy hitchhiker.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Cher turned down an offer to star in Thelma & Louise.
Before he was a super-star, George Clooney auditioned five times for the part of J.D.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Johhny Depp turned down the role of the hitchhiker.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Foster agreed to do the movie but preproduction took so long that she had to drop out.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Melanie Griffith turned down an offer to play Thelma.
Actor who got the part: Geena Davis
Goldie & Meryl Streep considered doing the movie together, but decided to do "Death Becomes Her" instead.
She, along with Frances McDormand, were screenwriter Callie Khouri's choices to play Thelma and Louise.
Actor who got the part: Geena Davis
Catherine Keener had a small role as Investigator Hal Slocumb's wife which was cut from the final film.
McDormand was considered for the role of Louise.
Actor who got the part: Susan Sarandon
Pfeiffer and Jodie Foster were originally chosen for the leads, but preproduction took to long and both actresses had to drop out.
Actor who got the part: Geena Davis
Meryl & Goldie Hawn considered doing the movie together, but decided to do "Death Becomes Her" instead.
Tina Turner turned down a role in Thelma & Louise.
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