Who was considered for To Die For?
Auditioned for the key role of " Jimmy Emmett" in director Gus Van Sant's dark comedy.
Actor who got the part: Joaquin Phoenix
Considered to play the mother, "Carol Stone".
Actor who got the part: Holland Taylor
Jodie Foster was reportedly considered for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Was considered by Gus Van Sant for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Tess Harper turned down the role of the mother, "Carol".
Actor who got the part: Holland Taylor
Auditioned to play "Suzanne Stone".
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Was considered for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Ryan was attatched to star, but dropped out.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Susan Sarandon was originally cast in the role of Nicole Kidman's character's mother.
Actor who got the part: Holland Taylor
Was considered for the role of Suzanne Stone.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Kristy Swanson auditioned to play "Suzanne Stone".
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
See more 1990s trivia
