Who was considered for True Romance?
Tony Scott spent a year searching for the right actress to play Alabama Whitman. He considered and rejected Bridget Fonda.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
Forster was writer Quentin Tarantino's choice for Concotti.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Walken
Val Kilmer wanted to play Clarence, according to director Tony Scott.
Actor who got the part: Christian Slater
Tony Scott spent a year searching for the right actress to play Alabama Whitman. He considered and rejected Diane Lane.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
Liam Neeson turned down the role of Vincenzo Coccotti.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Walken
Brad Pitt states in the DVD commentary that he was originally offered a "much bigger part" (presumably Clarence) but decided to take the role of the stoner Floyd instead.
Actor who got the part: Christian Slater
Tony Scott spent a year searching for the right actress to play Alabama Whitman. He considered and rejected Bridget Fonda, Diane Lane, Kyra Sedgwick, and Julia Roberts.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
Tony Scott spent a year searching for the right actress to play Alabama Whitman. He considered and rejected Kyra Sedgwick.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
Quentin Tarantino revealed that Brooke Shields wanted badly the role of Alabama Whitman.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
Considered for the role of Alabama Whitman.
Actor who got the part: Patricia Arquette
See more 1990s trivia
