Roles turned down by Christian Bale:
Bale auditioned to play Robin. (He would later become Batman).
Christian Bale was considered for the role of Swoff.
Actor who got the part: Jake Gyllenhaal
Was turned for the role of Will Turner.
Actor who got the part: Orlando Bloom
Christian Bale was considered for the role of Robin Hood.
Actor who got the part: Russel Crowe
Bale did not want to reprise the role of Patrick Bateman from American Psycho. Casper Van Dien was cast as Patrick, but the scenes were deleted.
Was considered for the role of Bryan Woodman.
Actor who got the part: Matt Damon
In a Charlie Rose interview, David O. Russell explains he already cast his friend Spike Jonze in a part, but met with Christian Bale to please the studio.
Actor who got the part: Spike Jonze
Christian Bale auditioned for the role of Jack, but James Cameron didn't want two British actors playing the lead roles of two Americans.
Actor who got the part: Leonardo DiCaprio
Director Oliver Stone said in an interview that Bale was the first choice for the role of unpopular President George Bush. Bale underwent complicated prosthetics tests before coming to believe that he could not do the role.
Actor who got the part: Josh Brolin

Did you know that Christian Bale was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)