Who was considered for Batman Forever?
Considered again for the part of Batman.
Bale auditioned to play Robin. (He would later become Batman).
Joel Schumacher wanted Bullock for a role in Batman Forever.
Dean Cain was considered to play Batman but producers felt he may be too well known as Superman (from Lois & Clark TV series).
Cindy Crawford was considered for the part of Chase Meridian.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Damon was reportedly considered for the role of Robin.
Actor who got the part: Chris O'Donnell
Screen tested for the part of Robin.
Brad Dourif was considered to play the riddler.
Clint Eastwood was reportedly considered for the role of Harvey Dent/Two-Face.
Actor who got the part: Tommy Lee Jones
Gibson was considered for the role of Harvey Dent / Two Face.
Actor who got the part: Tommy Lee Jones
Mark Hamill was considered to play the Riddler.
According to Entertainment Weekly, Linda Hamilton was reportedly considered for the role of Dr. Chase Meridian.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Considered to play Batman.
After originally accepting, Keaton decided not to do the third movie because he reportedly did not like Joel Schumacher's direction.
Actor who got the part: Val Kilmer
This may only be a rumor, but it was reported that Malkovich & Robin Williams were both in the running to play the Riddler.
Actor who got the part: Jim Carrey
McTiernan was said to have been offered a chance to direct Batman Forever, but was still working on Die Hard with a Vengence.
Before his success with Spider-man, Sam Raimi offered to direct Batman Forever when Tim Burton stepped down.
Actor who got the part: Joel Schumacher
Kurt Russell was considered for the role of Batman.
Actor who got the part: Val Kilmer
Rene Russo was replaced by Nicole Kidman to play Dr. Chase Meridian.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
Speedman auditioned for the part of Robin.
When Michael Keaton was still attached to play Batman, Rikki Lee Travolta was tested to play Robin but at 6'1 he was deemed to tall and too muscular and would make Batman look diminutive.
Actor who got the part: Chris O'Donnell
According to Entertainment Weekly, Jeanne Tripplehorn was reportedly considered for the role of Dr. Chase Meridian.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
According to IMDB, Damon Wayans was considered for the role of The Riddler.
Williams accepted the role of Harvey Dent in the first Batman with the expectation that he would play Two-Face in the sequel. The studio chose Tommy Lee Jones instead.
Actor who got the part: Tommy Lee Jones
Offered the role of the Riddler.
Had been considered for the role of Dr. Chase Meridian.
Actor who got the part: Nicole Kidman
See more 1990s trivia
