Roles turned down by Selma Blair:
Selma Blair was considered for the role of Penny Lane.
Actor who got the part: Kate Hudson
Had been set to play the sarcastic Stone sister.
Actor who got the part: Rachel McAdams
Reportedly considered for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Charlize Theron
Selma Blair auditioned for the role of Sidney, and was used in director Wes Craven's screen test. She also appears as Sarah Michelle Gellars friend (phone voice) in scream 2.
Actor who got the part: Neve Cambell
Selma told MTV that she would love to play Lois Lane.
Actor who got the part: Kate Bosworth
Selma Blair was considered for Jean Grey.
Actor who got the part: Famke Janssen

Did you know that Selma Blair was not the only choice for this movie? (click to learn more)