Roles turned down by Montgomery Clift:
Clift felt he was too old to play the role of Cal Trask, stating in an interview "the part would have come out as a maladjusted neurotic instead of a mixed-up boy."
Actor who got the part: James Dean
Among the top actors considered to play the futuristic fireman "Guy Montag."
Actor who got the part: Oskar Werner
Turned down the role of "Will Kane" in the Western masterpiece.
Actor who got the part: Gary Cooper
Clift was originally offered the part of the American prosecuting attorney, but was more interested in the smaller role of a feeble-minded concentration camp survivor who has been sterilized by the Nazis. His instincts were rewarded with an Academy Award nomination.
Actor who got the part: Richard Widmark
Elizabeth Taylor wanted Clift to co-star with her in the John Huston-directed film, in which he would have played a sexually-repressed Army major. Clift died before filming began.
Actor who got the part: Marlon Brando
Director Howard Hawks offered Montgomery Clift the role of Dude, the alcoholic deputy, but Clift turned down the opportunity to work again with his Red River co-stars John Wayne and Walter Brennan.
Actor who got the part: Dean Martin
Clift was the first choice of director Alfred Hitchcock to play brilliant, sophisticated and devious thrill-killer "Brandon Shaw."
Actor who got the part: John Dall
Director George Stevens offered the starring role to Clift, who declined.
Actor who got the part: Alan Ladd
Among the many actors who rejected the role of the once-great actor "Norman Maine" because it cut too close to the bone.
Actor who got the part: James Mason
Clift turned down the role of Joel Gillis because it was too close to his own relationship with singer Libby Hollman. He found the story idea "disgusting"
Actor who got the part: William Holden

Did you know that Montgomery Clift was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)