Who was considered for I Confess?
Alfred Hitchcock hoped to cast the Swedish actress who had just made a big impression in a film of Strinderg's "Miss Julie."
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
Director Alfred Hitchcock proposed the young beauty who had worked with Orson Welles to play the role of the Catholic priest's one-time love.
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
Alfred Hitchcock wanted De Havilland to play the married woman still in love with a man from her past, who has become a priest. The role became minimized, so a star of De Havilland's stature was not required.
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
The difficult Grant turned down Alfred Hitchcock's offer to star him as a priest burdened by hearing the confession of a murderer.
Actor who got the part: Montgomery Clift
In 1948 it was announced that Van Johnson would play the part of the priest suspected of murder in Alfred Hitchcock's film.
Actor who got the part: Montgomery Clift
Warner Bros. rejected director Alfred Hitchcock's idea of Olivier to play a Catholic priest who hears the confession of a murderer.
Actor who got the part: Montgomery Clift
Director Alfred Hitchcock considered Stewart one of the few actors who could put over with the public the role of a Catholic priest who hears the confession of a murderer.
Actor who got the part: Montgomery Clift
Alfred Hitchcock considered the stunningly beautiful film newcomer to star in his thriller about a Catholic priest who carries the weight of hearing the confession of a murderer. Theiss abandoned her film career for marriage and family.
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
See more 1950s trivia
