Roles turned down by Audrey Hepburn:
After Robin and Marian she was offered the leading role in this project. She declined it saying she was too old for it.
Actor who got the part: Liv Ulmann
The "Hollywood Reporter" December 1958 issue states that producer Jerry Wald considered casting Audrey Hepburn and then husband Mel Ferrer as reporter Graham and writer S. Fitzgerald for this movie.
Actor who got the part: Deborah Kerr
Turned down the part in this tv miniseries.
Actor who got the part: Donna Reed
Producer Ross Hunter offered Audrey this television film about a widow who is having an affair with a younger man.
Actor who got the part: Donna Reed
Alfred Hitchcock and screenwriter Evan Hunter considered Audrey Hepburn a perfect actress to play spoiled, beautiful playgirl "Melanie Daniels."
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
Otto Preminger wanted Audrey for the main role in this movie based on Sagan's best seller. She lost to Jean Seberg, who finally got the part.
Actor who got the part: Jean Seberg
In her British chapter, in the early 50's, she was supposed to play a role in this production, later cancelled.
Actor who got the part: Project Was Dismissed.
Hepburn was originally cast as Kate Ter Horst but wanted too much $$.
Actor who got the part: Liv Ulmann
Audrey Hepburn was MGM's top choice for the lead, but Paramount wouldn't release her. the former studio regretted her non casting and moved on with a production that did not work enough.
Actor who got the part: Maria Schell
Otto Preminger wanted Audrey Hepburn for the female leading role, opposite Tom Tryon. She had to decline due to pregnancy.
Actor who got the part: Carol Lynley
Hepburn rejected the role of Dominique Vallon in this film.
Actor who got the part: Christine Carere
Audrey Hepburn was considered when Taylor was dying of pneumonia.
Actor who got the part: Elizabeth Taylor
William Wyler, who directed her in Roman Holiday, had a first thought to cast Audrey for the lead in this production.
Actor who got the part: Samantha Eggar
Famous italian director Visconti wanted Hepburn for the role of the Marquise, opposite Burt Lancaster. She declined, due to a character much post-modern, inconvenient to her cinema image.
Actor who got the part: Silvana Mangano
Spanish director Carlos Saura had Hepburn in mind for a part in this famous movie, particularly because she was fluent in Spanish, was an excellent actress, and had commonalities with that culture, through marriage with Mel Ferrer.
Actor who got the part: Geraldine Chaplin
Blake Edwards, who directed Audrey in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" in 1961, thought that even if he had cast her for this production (something he wanted dearly), things would have failed, as they did. Time for commedies like this had come to an end by 1970 and beyond.
Actor who got the part: Julie Andrews
She said the role reminded her about her own life and consequently would be too hard to perform it.
Actor who got the part: Millie Perkins
In 1965, David Lean eagerly pursued Audrey for the role of Zhivago's wife, but she didn't want to work with someone so exact as him.
Actor who got the part: Geraldine Chaplin
Producers wanted Audrey Hepburn to play the Bond girl "Honey Rider", but the studio wanted an unknown actress for the role.
Actor who got the part: Ursula Andress
Otto Preminger had plans to hire Hepburn for Kitty Fremont's role, opposite Paul Newman. She had other commitments before hand.
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
William Friedkin wanted her for the role of the Mother. She would accept if the film was shot in Rome, where she was living at the time. It was shot in the U.S.
Actor who got the part: Ellen Burstyn
Audrey turned down the role of Fanny in Joshua Logan's second attempt to direct her in a film (the first had been in "Sayonara").
Actor who got the part: Leslie Caron
Cary Grant, her co-star in Charade, wanted Audrey for the teacher leading role in Father Goose. Audrey had other commitments.
Actor who got the part: Leslie Caron
Audrey Hepburn would play Queen Isabella in Mel Ferrer's production (he wanted to act Columbus' part), that was finally cancelled due to financial shortages.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled
Director George Stevens thought of Audrey, before casting Taylor. the idea was dismissed since she was considered "too sophisticated"
Actor who got the part: Elizabeth Taylor
She declined the movie version after exhausting from a long season acting the same piece on Broadway.
Actor who got the part: Leslie Caron
She was initially considered for the role, particularly because of chemistry working with O'Toole (How to steal a million), and success in a musical such as My Fair Lady. Herbert Ross, director, and herself, turned the idea down.
Actor who got the part: Petula Clark
Audrey Hepburn wanted to play the part of Mrs. Robinson.
Actor who got the part: Anne Bancroft
She did not comme to financial terms with the studio, so she declined Fred Zinnemann's offer. Later on, the movie was shot under George Roy Hill's direction.
Actor who got the part: Julie Andrews
Hal Wallis bought the rights for this Paramount production to author M. Luisa Bombal, thinking Audrey Hepburn for the lead. Bombal later declined the idea.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled
Audrey Hepburn declined the part of a young dying woman in this film.
Actor who got the part: Jane Fonda
Audrey turned down the role to rest up before starting "the Nun's Story"
Actor who got the part: Ingrid Bergman
Another Hepburn 'could have been' vehicle which went to Caron.
Actor who got the part: Leslie Caron
Hepburn tested for this role in her early career but was thought to be too thin.
Actor who got the part: Pauline Stroud
Audrey was originally considered for a bigger role in this film, but she had other commitments.
French director Jacques Demy wanted Hepburn and Bardot for this production. Finally Deneuve and real sister Dorleac, were hired to perform as sisters!.
Actor who got the part: Catherine Deneuve
Charles Chaplin considered Audrey Hepburn as the protegee ballerina in this tragic film. Claire Bloom was cast reportedly without knowing a single ballet motion.
Actor who got the part: Claire Bloom
The part of Sarah was written by Moreau for Hepburn. When Hepburn declined, Moreau played the part herself.
Actor who got the part: Jeanne Moreau
Hawks wanted Audrey and Cary for this shooting, but they were unavailable.
Actor who got the part: Paula Prentiss
In 1957 she was serious candidate for the title role of this movie, along with Elizabeth Taylor. Chances fell on Natalie wood.
Actor who got the part: Natalie Wood
In 1969, Mel Ferrer wanted his wife to work along with him in this production. the project was cancelled, basically because the couple filed divorce charges. Finally, Omar Sharif, Ava Gardner and Deneuve herself were casted.
Actor who got the part: Catherine Deneuve
Studio wanted her for the demanding role of Anne Sullivan, Helen Keller's teacher and mentor. Arthur Penn, director, said no.
Actor who got the part: Anne Bancroft
Despite the fact Audrey Hepburn passed away in 1993, current director John Woo considered her profile for the leading role in this movie.This shows how influential she still is!
Actor who got the part: Thandie Newton
Audrey Hepburn turned down the title role.
Actor who got the part: Raquel Welch
Stanley Kubrick wanted especially Audrey Hepburn to play leading feminine role in this production. She declined. There is a letter supporting this, that appeared in several media in 2004.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled.
Offered and declined because she wanted to be more at home, raising her children.
Actor who got the part: Janet Suzman
Hitchcock hired her for the leading role, but she got pregnant and stepped down.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled
Peter Bogdanovich wanted to work with Audrey again after "They All Laughed" (1981) so he tried to talk Audrey into doing this film.
Actor who got the part: Carol Burnett
Hepburn starred in the Broadway production but Mel Ferrer, Audrey's husband at the time, and director of the play, wanted control of the film and the project fell apart.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled
After completion of "Two for the road" in France, Audrey moved alone to Hollywood, to start "One step more" with Rossano Brazzi. Once there, the project was cancelled.
Actor who got the part: Project Was Cancelled.
Audrey Hepburn turned down the lead role before it went to Meryl Streep.
Walt disney, who first shot a cartoon version of this story, put all his influence at work for a real acting version not to be produced.
Actor who got the part: The Movie Was Cancelled.
Blake Edwards, who had just directed her in "Breakfast at Tiffany's", wanted her participation in the role of the Princess. Project fell apart.
Actor who got the part: Claudia Cardinale
20th Century Fox wanted Audrey for the lead role, but in the end it went to Maggie Smith.
Actor who got the part: Maggie Smith
Alec Guinnes recommended her for the part, but director Mervyn Le Roy said she wasn't known enough. Plop!.
Actor who got the part: Deborah Kerr
At the peak of her career, in 1968, stepping down after completion of "Wait until dark", Audrey was offered the lead in this production. A lesbian role, much in the line of "the children's hour": human and intense. Her withdrawal was irreversible, however.
Actor who got the part: Liv Ullman
In the 70's, Paramount structured a sequel to the first part of this movie. Audrey would be queen now, and Gregory, a famous writer. The production never took place.
Howard Hawks wanted fondly to direct Audrey in this western, particularly because of mutual admiration. However,her always heavy working schedule froze the project.
Actor who got the part: Project Was Cancelled
Audrey Hepburn was offered the title role in this film by director Otto Preminger.
Actor who got the part: Jean Seberg
Joshua Logan wanted Audrey to play leading role of japanese girl,opposite Brando, but she declined.
Actor who got the part: Miko Taka
Hepburn was considered for the role of Charlotte.
Actor who got the part: Mary Tyler Moore
It was reported in 1968 (The Hollywood Reporter) that Audrey and Richard Burton would pair together in this project. They didn't.
Actor who got the part: Movie Was Cancelled
Before the final version, Paramount bought the rights and thought of Hepburn for the leading role. She declined.
Actor who got the part: Julie Andrews
Joshua Logan considered top actress of the time Audrey Hepburn for leading role.
Actor who got the part: Mitzi Gaynor
Stanley Kubrick's number one actress Audrey Hepburn, was originally thought to play Varinia in this epic. Agreement didn't show up, and Stanley tried to cast her later, in "Napoleon",project that didn't work out either.
Actor who got the part: Jean Simmons
Producer Hal Wallis and playwright Tennessee Williams visiteed Audrey at her home in Switzerland in 1955 to discuss casting her as Alma in the film version of Williams' play. Negotiations soon broke down and Geraldine Page finally starred in the film six years later, repeating her stage role.
Actor who got the part: Geraldine Page
Hepburn was offered the role of Lady Brett but felt it was too risque of a role for her.
Actor who got the part: Ava Gardner
Hollywood producers told british director Tony Richardson to cast Hepburn for the leading role, otherwise they wouldn't finance it. He chose an unknown actress anyway. Pity!.
Actor who got the part: Rita Tushingham
Cecil B. de Mille wanted Audrey Hepburn for the role of Queen Nefretiri, but she lacked the figure to fill silk gowns the role strongly required.
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
Audrey was first offered this mini-series playing the part of Fiona 'Fee' Cleary, The part was eventually played by Jean Simmons, who won an Emmy in the role.
Actor who got the part: Jean Simmons
Hepburn was offered the lead in this movie of Garson Kanin's novel, but it was never made.
Actor who got the part: None
Hepburn was offered the role of Emma Jacklin, but only wanted to do the film with Grace Kelly as her co-star. Kelly declined the film, and all others, due to the people in Monoco not wanting her to be an actress. So Audrey did not do the film either.
Actor who got the part: Anne Bancroft
Hepburn expressed an interest in playing the dual roles of Judy and Madeleine.
Actor who got the part: Kim Novak
Directors Jerome Robbins and Robert Wise wanted Hepburn for the role of Maria, but she declined, due to other commitments.
Actor who got the part: Natalie Wood

Did you know that Audrey Hepburn was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)