Roles turned down by Ginger Rogers:
Rogers wanted to play Annie and famously said "I would have done the part for one dollar if someone had asked me."
Actor who got the part: Betty Hutton
Rogers dropped out after being cast by director Howard Hawks and Stanwyck ran away with the part and the movie.
Actor who got the part: Barbara Stanwyck
Rogers was the first choice to play this role in the early 1940's, but when it was made in the early 1950's she was no longer age appropriate.
Actor who got the part: Jennifer Jones
Rogers was offered the role of Catherine Sloper.
Actor who got the part: Olivia DeHavilland
Turned down master director Howard Hawks' offer of the role of snappy, hard-bitten reporter "Hildy Johnson."
Actor who got the part: Rosalind Russell
Ginger Rogers was asked to play the part of Mary, the wife of George Bailey, but turned it down because the part was so small.
Actor who got the part: Donna Reed
Rogers wanted to show she was a serious actress and even did a screen test for John Ford, but she was declined for the part of Elizabeth I. Interestingly, a year later she and Katharine Hepburn would make a movie together, Stage Door.
Actor who got the part: Florence Edridge
Rogers was to be cast in this role, but was considered to be too big of a star for the ingenue role.
Actor who got the part: Anne Shirley
Ginger Rogers was offered the role of Charlotte Vale, but Warner's star Davis heard this and then she was cast.
Actor who got the part: Bette Davis
Rogers was set to star as a gangster's widow out for revenge.
Actor who got the part: June Havoc
Rogers was offered the role of Josephine Norris.
Actor who got the part: Olivia De Havilland
Graham Greene wanted to cast Ginger Rogers as Augusta.
Actor who got the part: Maggie Smith
When Judy Garland got fired, Rogers hated the script, so she turned down the chance to play Broadway legend and monster "Helen Lawson."
Actor who got the part: Susan Hayward
Considered for the role of "Jane Hudson".
Actor who got the part: Bette Davis

Did you know that Ginger Rogers was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)