Roles turned down by Teresa Wright:
Due to pregnancy, Miss Wright had to refuse the role.
Actor who got the part: Loretta Young
Wright's novelist husband, Niven Busch, wrote this novel in hopes of getting his wife cast in an against type role as the " wanton half breed" Pearl. Gentle Wright disagreed and Jennifer Jones ended her on screen saint reputation by playing it.
Actor who got the part: Jennifer Jones
Wright was orignally announced to play Laura. Ironically, she later played the role 10 years ago on live tv.
Actor who got the part: Dorothy McGuire
According to two Wyman biographies, co-star Lew Ayres originally felt Wright should have been cast in the title role as a deaf mute who is raped. He later changed his mind and felt her performance was great (as did the Academy Awards).
Actor who got the part: Jane Wyman
Wright was cast in this film but had to withdraw due to pregnancy.
Actor who got the part: Anne Baxter
Wright was offered the part of Peggy Sue's grandmother in this movie but turned it down.
Actor who got the part: Maureen O'Sullivan
Wright was supposed to do this movie but by the time it was made she had broken her contract with Sam Goldwyn.
Actor who got the part: Joan Evans
Teresa Wright tested to play Bernadette.
Actor who got the part: Jennifer Jones

Did you know that Teresa Wright was not the only choice for this movie? (click to learn more)