Who was considered for Batman Returns?
Barkin was considered for the role of Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
According to Empire Magazine, Basinger was originally supposed to reprise her role as Vicki Vale in the sequel and was even included in early drafts but after major revisions she was written out.
Annette Bening was replaced by Michelle Pfeiffer for the role of Catwoman, after becoming pregnant.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Director Tim Burton had favoured Brando for the role of the Penguin. Batman creator Bob Kane had declared this to be the worst possible candidate for the role.
Many credible sources reported that Cher was considered to play Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Was considered for the role of Catwoman, but dropped out to do "A League of Their Own".
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
One of many actresses who were considered to play Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Jodie Foster was in consideration for the role of Catwoman, but dropped out to do "Little Man Tate".
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Dustin Hoffman was considered to play the Penguin in Batman Returns.
Actor who got the part: Danny DeVito
Leigh was one of the actresses being considered for the role of Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
An original plot for the film included the Penguin and Mr. Freeze joining forces to freeze Gotham City. Christopher Lloyd had been considered for the role of Penguin.
Madonna was reportedly considered to play Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Burgess Meredith (the original TV Penguin) was set to play Penguin's father at the beginning of the movie, but he could not due to illness.
Demi wanted the role of Catwoman but was rejected. In a magazine interview Demi states that at the time of audition she was blonde as was the Selena Kyle character.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Olin was turned down for the role of Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Sarandon was very interested in the prospect of playing "Catwoman."
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Was considered for the role of Catwoman, but Tim Burton turned her down because he considered she was no longer a bankable star.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Meryl Streep was considered for the role of Catwoman, but Tim Burton turned her down because she was too old.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Robin was originally going to be introduced in the first sequel and Marlon was actually cast before the script was rewritten.
Williams was contractually entitled to play Harvey Dent, and an early draft of Batman Returns included the role. That character was later renamed Max Shreck and all of Dent's lines were given to him, and all Two-Face elements were removed.
Actor who got the part: Christopher Walken
Debra Winger was considered for the role of Catwoman.
Actor who got the part: Michelle Pfeiffer
Young was so upset about not getting the part of Catwoman that she went to the studio in a Catwoman costume to prove that she was a better choice.
See more 1990s trivia
