Who was considered for The Fugitive?
Baldwin was the first choice to play Richard Kimble.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Kevin Costner was considered to play Richard Kimble.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Andy Garcia was considered for the role of Richard Kimble after Alec Baldwin dropped out.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Gene Hackman was turned down for the role of Sam Gerard.
Actor who got the part: Tommy Lee Jones
Walter Hill passed on a chance to direct this film.
Actor who got the part: Andrew Davis
Was cast as Richard Kimble's associate Dr. Nichols, but was forced to pull out due to a brain tumor that eventually claimed his life.
Actor who got the part: Jeroen Krabbe
Jon Voight was considered for the role of Sam Gerard.
Actor who got the part: Tommy Lee Jones
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