Roles turned down by Kevin Costner:
The role of the President was originally written for Costner but after complications with another film (The Postman), Costner had to drop out. He offered the part to Harrison Ford.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
The real-life Jim Lovell (Tom Hanks) had hoped Kevin Costner would play him in the movie.
Actor who got the part: Tom Hanks
Mentioned for the Bruce Willis role in the special edition dvd by the producers.
Actor who got the part: Bruce Willis
Director Oliver Stone had been set to make this political adventure love story with Costner as the international relief worker.
Actor who got the part: Clive Owen
Costner was approached to get the lead role but was already commited to "Bull Durham".
Actor who got the part: Tom Hanks
Costner actually filmed some scenes as Alex but they were mostly cut from the film.
Kevin Costner turned down the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Kevin Kline
Kevin Costner was considered to play Richard Kimble.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Joe Dante says in the DVD commentary that Costner auditioned for a part in the movie.
Kevin Costner auditioned for a role but didn't get it.
Costner turned down The Hunt for Red October to make Dances with Wolves.
Actor who got the part: Alec Baldwin
According to IMDB, Kevin Costner was considered for the role of Jack Forrester.
Actor who got the part: Jeff Bridges
Kevin Costner was also considered for the lead role of Bill.
Actor who got the part: David Carradine
Kevin Costner was considered for the role Cleveland Heep.
Actor who got the part: Paul Giamatti
Costner was apparently considered for the role of Neo (seriously).
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Kevin Costner was considered for the role of Michael Collins.
Actor who got the part: Liam Neeson
Kevin Costner read for the part of Zac Mayo but Richard Gere was cast instead.
Actor who got the part: Richard Gere
The role for Col. Dolittle was offered to Kevin Costner but he declined.
Actor who got the part: Alec Baldwin
Costner turned down a role in Platoon because he did not agree with the tone of the movie.
Kevin Costner turned down the lead role of Tom Wingo.
Actor who got the part: Nick Nolte
Kevin Costner was considered for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Nicolas Cage
Costner was offered the part of the main character Andy Dufresne in the Shawshank Redemption.
Actor who got the part: Tim Robbins
Kevin Costner was turned down for the role of Gordon Tall.
Actor who got the part: Nick Nolte
Seriously considered for the lead role of Jake Brigance (Matt McConaughey).
Actor who got the part: Matt McConaughey
Kevin Costner was reportedly offered the role of Judge Wakefield.
Actor who got the part: MIchael Douglas
Costner turned down the lead role (Matthew Broderick) to do The Big Chill. Unfortunately, that part ended up being cut.
Actor who got the part: Matthew Broderick
After narrating the 2005 documentary "On Native Soil," Costner was seriously considered for the role.
Actor who got the part: Nicolas Cage

Did you know that Kevin Costner was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)