Who was considered for North By Northwest?
Hitchcock and screenwriter Ernest Lehman considered Brynner for the role of the elegant, urbane spy in hot pursuit of "George Kaplan."
Actor who got the part: James Mason
MGM tried to get Alfred Hitchcock to cast Cyd Charisse as the woman of mystery, but Hitchcock was not interested.
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
With Cary Grant backing out of many movie projects and often saying he would retire from the screen, Alfred Hitchcock put Holden on a short list of stars who might play the man on the run from dangerous spies.
Actor who got the part: Cary Grant
Was a top contender on Hitchcock's short list to play the suave villain, Van Dam.
Actor who got the part: James Mason
Director Alfred Hitchcock tried to bring his favorite leading lady back to the screen after she became the Princess of Monaco.
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
Cary Grant lobbied Alfred Hitchcock to cast Loren as mysterious, dangerous beauty "Eve Kendall."
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
Was considered to play the hero on the run in Alfred Hitchcock's thriller.
Actor who got the part: Cary Grant
According to Lewis Gilbert at a National Theatre Interview, Virginia McKenna was asked to play Eve in North By Northwest.
Actor who got the part: Eve Marie Saint
The beautiful, talented Miles had derailed Alfred Hitchcock's plans to star her in "Vertigo," but she was still a candidate to play "Eve."
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
Peck was considered by Hitchcock for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Cary Grant
Was considered as a possibility to star as the wrong man sent running across America is Alfred Hitchcock's classic thriller.
Actor who got the part: Cary Grant
James Stewart wanted to play the role of Roger Thornhill, but Alfred Hitchcock wanted Cary Grant.
Actor who got the part: Cary Grant
Alfred Hitchcock considered the beautiful star as a possibility to play the mysterious and possibly dangerous leading lady in his suspense adventure classic.
Actor who got the part: Eva Marie Saint
See more 1950s trivia
