Who was considered for Ocean's Eleven?
Arkin as originally cast as Saul Bloom but had to pull out of the project for personal reasons.
Actor who got the part: Carl Reiner
Beatty was considered for the part of Terry Benedict.
Actor who got the part: Andy Garcia
Considered for the role of Terry Benedict.
Actor who got the part: Andy Garcia
Ralph Fiennes was considered for the part of Terry Benedict.
Actor who got the part: Andy Garcia
Dennis Franz was considered for the part of Reuben.
Actor who got the part: Elliott Gould
Danny Glover turned down the part of Frank Catton.
Actor who got the part: Bernie Mac
Considered at one point for the role of Basher Tarr.
Actor who got the part: Don Cheadle
Pollack was considered to play Reuben in the remake of Ocean's Eleven.
Actor who got the part: Elliot Gould
Originally, Brett Ratner was going to direct the remake of Ocean's Eleven and he wanted Sean Penn to be in it, but eventually, Ratner had to move on to another project, and Soderbergh took over.
Actor who got the part: Steven Soderbergh
Wahlberg was originally supposed to play the part of Linus.
Actor who got the part: Matt Damon
Bruce Willis turned down a role in the film.
Luke & Owen Wilson were set to play the Malloy brothers but dropped out. The roles went to Casey Affleck and Scott Caan.
Owen & Luke Wilson were set to play the Malloy brothers but dropped out. The roles went to Casey Affleck and Scott Caan.
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