Who was considered for On Her Majesty's Secret Service?
The director, peter Hunt, wanted Brigitte Bardot to play the part of Tracy, opposite George Lazenby. She was contracted to make Shalako with Sean Connery!
Actor who got the part: Diana Rigg
Jeremy Brett screen tested for James Bond 15 years before playing another British icon -Sherlock Holmes. He commented in the mid - 80's, "It's the sort of role you cannot afford to turn down, but I think it would have spoiled my life if I had got it."
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
Although George Lazenby won the role of 007 and John Richardson was widely the runner-up, handsome and rugged Robert Campbell was among the five finalists.
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
Sean Connery turned down the role of bond but returned once more in 'Diamonds Are Forever'.
Actor who got the part: George Lazemby
Peter Hunt wanted her to play Tracy opposite George Lazenby after Brigitte Bardot was unavailable. She turned it down!
Actor who got the part: Diana Rigg
Director Peter Hunt screen-tested the handsome actor to play 007.
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
Peter Hunt put Rogers through makeup, costume, fight and acting tests to assess his ability to be the new James Bond.
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
De Vries was among the top five final candidates to play James Bond, along with John Richardson, Anthony Rogers, Robert Campbell and George Lazenby.
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
Broccoli offered the part to West over dinner as a talent search to replace Connery had proved fruitless. West thought about it but turned it down as he thought he would not be able to do an english accent properly and the fans would hate him for it.
Actor who got the part: George Lazenby
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