Who was considered for Platoon?
Costner turned down a role in Platoon because he did not agree with the tone of the movie.
Oliver Stone considered Johnny Depp to play Private Chris Taylor when Depp was young and still unknown.
Actor who got the part: Charlie Sheen
Estevez was considered for the role of Chris.
Actor who got the part: Charlie Sheen
Val Kilmer auditioned for the part of Elias, but ultimately didn't get the role.
Actor who got the part: Willem Dafoe
Petersen was offered a role in Platoon but opted instead for the TV film "Long Gone," claiming it's the most fun he's ever had doing a film.
Reeves was offered the part of Pvt. Chris Taylor before it went to Charlie Sheen.
Was offered a part of Sgt. Elias Grodin, but passed on it.
Actor who got the part: Willem Dafoe
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