Who was considered for Schindler's List?
Juliette Binoche turned down a role in this film.
Claire Danes won a role in this movie, but turned it down because she couldn't arrange for tutoring in Poland.
Offered the title role but was afraid his stardom would detract from the message.
Actor who got the part: Liam Neeson
Mel Gibson was interested in this film, but Steven Spielberg thought a major star would be distracting.
Roman Polanski turned down a chance to direct the film because it hit to close to home. Polanski was a Holocaust victim until the age of 8, when he escaped from the Krakow Ghetto.
Actor who got the part: Steven Spielberg
Considered for the part of Amon Goeth.
Actor who got the part: Ralph Fiennes
Martin Scorsese turned down the chance to direct this film, because he felt it was best that a Jewish director take the job.
Actor who got the part: Steven Spielberg
Alan Thicke was reportedly Spielberg's first choice to play Oskar Schindler in Schindler's List.
Actor who got the part: Liam Neeson
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