Who was considered for A Streetcar Named Desire?
Baxter was very seriously considered for the role of Stella by director Elia Kazan.
Actor who got the part: Kim Hunter
In 1949 Paramount hoped to star Bette Davis as Blanche DuBois in this film to be directed by William Wyler.
Actor who got the part: Vivien Leigh
Olivia De Havilland turned down the role of Blanche duBois.
Actor who got the part: Vivien Leigh
Joan Fontaine was considered for the part of Stella. Her sister Olivia de Havilland was at the same time offered the role of Blance (she declined).
Actor who got the part: Kim Hunter
The great Oscar-nominated star turned down the powerhouse role of Stanley for fear of being overshadowed by whoever played Blanche.
Actor who got the part: Marlon Brando
Director Elia Kazan had Lancaster in mind to play brutish Stanley Kowalski, his second choice after John Garfield.
Actor who got the part: Marlon Brando
One of Broadway's biggest musical stars, Martin was director Elia Kazan's first choice to play the battered and deluded "Blanche" in the movie version of the great play.
Actor who got the part: Vivien Leigh
Neal was very much thought of for the role of Stella, but was consided at five feet seven inches too tall to be Vivien Leigh's sister.
Actor who got the part: Kim Hunter
Meryl Streep was unavailiable for a remake of the Tennessee Williams play in the 1980s. The film was eventually made as a TV production instead.
Actor who got the part: Ann-Margret
Was expected to repeat her Broadway triumph in the film version but the studio wanted a box-office name.
Actor who got the part: Vivien Leigh
See more 1950s trivia
