Who was considered for The Terminator?
Turned down the role of The Terminator.
Actor who got the part: Arnold Schwarzenneger
James Cameron, in the screenplay "The Terminator", revealed that Glenn Close was the original choice to play Sarah Connor.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Geena Davis auditioned for the role of Sarah Connor.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Jodie Foster was considered to play Sarah Connor, but was later discarded by James Cameron because she was too young for the part.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Reportedly turned down for the part of the Terminator.
Actor who got the part: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Griffith turned down the role of Sarah Connor, because director James Cameron feared she was somewhat old for the character. The original screenplay had Sarah Connor as a 19 years old, but her age was raised to 26 to fit into Linda Hamilton's age.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Henriksen was reportedly director James Cameron's original choice for the Terminator, even including early sketches drawn by the director himself.
Actor who got the part: Arnold Schwarzenegger
According to director James Cameron, Jennifer Jason Leigh narrowly missed out on the role of Sarah Connor to Linda Hamilton.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Turned down the role of Sarah Connor, that went to Linda Hamilton.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Edward James Olmos was considered for the role of Lieutenant Traxler.
Actor who got the part: Paul Winfield
Director James Cameron originally had Arnold in mind to play Kyle Reese, but decided he was better suited to play the Terminator after their first meeting.
Actor who got the part: Michael Biehn
Selleck was rumored to play Terminator, but turned the role down due to scheduling conflicts from "Magnum, P.I."
Actor who got the part: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Was offered the role of Ginger, but declined in order to focus on college.
Actor who got the part: Bess Motta
Passed over for the role of the terminator because producers feared he wouldn't be taken seriously as a killer.
Actor who got the part: Arnold Schwarzenegger
Was suggested to play Sarah Connor, but she was filming "Romancing the Stone".
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
Debra Winger succesfully auditioned for the role of Sarah Connor. However, she later changed her mind and left the project at the last minute.
Actor who got the part: Linda Hamilton
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