Roles turned down by Peter O'Toole:
Was considered for the role of the Baron.
Actor who got the part: John Neville
Peter O'Toole was considered for the role of the Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Turned down the role of "Jake" because he thought the script by Lillian Hellman from a play by Horton Foote was "ghastly."
Actor who got the part: James Fox
High on the list of candidates to play Marc Antony.
Actor who got the part: Richard Burton
O'Toole's multi-year contract with producer Sam Spiegel forced him to turn down the lead role in David Lean's epic based on the novel by Boris Pasternack.
Actor who got the part: Omar Sharif
Among the stars considered for the leading male role in Francois Truffaut's movie version of Ray Bradbury's great novel.
Actor who got the part: Oskar Werner
Considered to replace close friend Sir Richard Harris as Professor Albus Dumbledore but politely refused.
Actor who got the part: Michael Gambon
O'Toole was the studio's first choice to play Henry VIII.
Actor who got the part: Robert Shaw
The leading role in the great sci-fi film was intended for O'Toole.
Actor who got the part: David Bowie
John Huston's "pet" adventure project nearly got off the ground with O'Toole, but it was not to be.
Actor who got the part: Michael Caine
Alfred Hitchcock considered the handsome young star for the romantic leading male role in his psychological thriller-love story. The director generally preferred leading men with dark hair to contrast with his famous elegant blondes.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
O'Toole was reportedly offered the role of Rasputin.
Actor who got the part: Tom Baker
Director Billy Wilder had O'Toole in mind to play Holmes, but decided instead to cast a lesser-known, less costly actor.
Actor who got the part: Robert Stephens
O'Toole was considered for a role.
Author Ray Bradbury had O'Toole at the top of his wish list to play "Mr. Dark."
Actor who got the part: Jonathan Price

Did you know that Peter O'Toole was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)