Who was considered for Marnie?
Director Alfred Hitchcock considered Marlon Brando for the leading male role.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
The credited screenwriter of the Alfred Hitchcock film thought Finch would be perfect to play Mark Rutland.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
According to her autobiography, she wanted to play Lil Mainwaring.
Actor who got the part: Diane Baker
When Alfred Hitchcock announced he would reunite with Grace Kelly for this dark, romantic thriller, Grant was quoted as saying he would love to do the movie, too, but had not yet been asked.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
Alfred Hitchcock put the young actress through makeup, costume, and acting tests to consider her to play the sexually troubled compulsive thief. Griswold retired from the screen to become a wife and mother.
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
The pretty blonde actress was offered to Hitchcock as a possibility to play the troubled thief who assumes various disguises.
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
Hudson met with director Alfred Hitchcock for the role of the Philadelphia book publisher and widower who knowingly marries a beautiful thief.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
Jill Ireland auditioned to play the lead role.
Actor who got the part: "Tippi" Hedren
Grace Kelly was director Alfred Hitchcock's first choice and was to be her comeback film but was busy being the princess of Monaco.
Actor who got the part: Tippi Hedren
Alfred Hitchcock briefly considered Miles, whom he had hoped to star in "Vertigo," to play the beautiful, troubled compulsive thief.
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
Director Alfred Hitchcock had Montgomery in mind to play Marnie's rival for the attentions of Mark Rutland.
Actor who got the part: Diane Baker
When Alfred Hitchcock was preparing the film "Marnie" in 1962, he had already "unofficially" cast Grace Kelly in the title role and was considering Paul Newman in the role of Mark Rutland. Newman wasn't interested and the film was postponed until 1964 when 'Tippi' Hedren and Sean Connery were finally cast. Newman would later star in Hitchcock's "Torn Curtain" (1966).
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
Alfred Hitchcock considered the handsome young star for the romantic leading male role in his psychological thriller-love story. The director generally preferred leading men with dark hair to contrast with his famous elegant blondes.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
The beautiful, talented actress was suggested to director Alfred Hitchcock when his original star Grace Kelly withdrew from the project.
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
One of the film's screenwriters suggested to director Alfred Hitchcock that he consider the beautiful Oscar-winner -- his star of "North by Northwest" -- to play the role in the project from which Grace Kelly had pulled out.
Actor who got the part: 'Tippi' Hedren
Alfred Hitchcock contacted the great stage actress about the possibility of playing the strange, cold mother of the heroine if Louise Latham, a film novice, didn't work out.
Actor who got the part: Louise Latham
After teaming with 'Tippi' Hedren in "The Birds", Director Alfred Hitchcock considered re-teaming them in "Marnie", but decided on Sean Connery instead after screenwriter Jay Presson Allen suggested him.
Actor who got the part: Sean Connery
The Oscar-winning actress from "East of Eden" was considered to play "Bernice Edgar," the complex, secretive, religiously pious mother of the troubled heroine.
Actor who got the part: Louise Latham
See more 1960s trivia
