Who was considered for Batman?
Alec Baldwin was considered to play Batman.
Bowie was considered for the role of Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Jeff Bridges was considered to play Batman.
Pierce Brosnan was considered to play Batman.
Tim Curry was originally considered to play the Joker.
Dafoe was considered to play the role of the Joker according to IMDB.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Joe Dante had expressed great interest in directing the Batman movie.
Actor who got the part: Tim Burton
Mel Gibson was the first choice to play Batman, but he was already committed to Lethal Weapon 2.
Actor who got the part: Michael Keaton
After Jack Nicholson, the next two actors in line for the Joker were reportedly Ray Liotta and John Glover.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Was considered for the role of Vicki Vale. Later, she claimed that "Basinger was brilliant as Vicki".
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
William Holden was considered for the role of Commissioner Gordon in the seminal stages of the project.
Patsy Kensit auditioned to play "Alicia Grissom" but lost out to Jerry Hall.
Actor who got the part: Jerry Hall
Kevin Kline was considered to play Batman.
Actor who got the part: Michael Keaton
Martin Landau was offered the role of Carl Grissom.
Actor who got the part: Jack Palance
There are many rumors that Liotta was considered to play either the Joker or Dent
Lithgow was considered for the role of Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Steve Martin turned down the chance to star in the movie.
Bill Murray was considered to play Batman.
In the project's seminal phases during the early 1980s, David Niven was considered for the role of Alfred the Butler.
Peter O'Toole was considered for the role of the Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
As early as 1946, Orson Welles planned to produce a film based on the character, starring either Welles himself or Gregory Peck.
Actor who got the part: Michael Keaton
Tim Burton reportedly wanted Pfeiffer to play Vicki Vale.
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
Potts auditioned for the role of Vicky Vale.
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
At one point, Robin was written into the original movie and was offered to a relatively unknown actor named Ricky Reed.
Tom Selleck was considered to play Batman.
Charlie Sheen was considered to play Batman.
Stone auditioned to play Vicky Vale.
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
Ward was considered for the role of Vicky Vale.
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
Adam West wanted to play Batman but was turned down.
Actor who got the part: Michael Keaton
Robin Williams was considered for the role of The Joker and again later for The Riddler.
Auditioned for the role of Vicki Vale.
Actor who got the part: Kim Basinger
Woods was considered to play the Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Sean Young was originally cast as Vicki Vale, but dropped out aftering breaking her collarbone in a horse riding scene with Keaton.
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