Roles turned down by Will Smith:
Smith was considered to play Willy Wonka.
Actor who got the part: Johnny Depp
One of the studios interested in Hotel Rwanda suggested Smith for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Don Cheadle
Smith was originally set to play the role of Prot.
Actor who got the part: Kevin Spacey
Will Smith was considered for the role of Creasy.
Actor who got the part: Denzel Washington
Will Smith turned down the lead role, admitting later that he had no regrets because "Keanu was brilliant as Neo."
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Will Smith Originally turned down his role in Men in Black, however his wife eventually talked him into reconsidering.
Actor who got the part: Will Smith
Smith was considered to play John Smith.
Actor who got the part: Brad Pitt
Will Smith's people said he expressed an interest in the part, but in the end he schedule didn't permit it.
Actor who got the part: Chris Rock
Will Smith turned down the role of Stu.
Actor who got the part: Colin Farrell
The role of Commander Dunne was offered to Will Smith, but the studio thought he wanted too much $$.
Actor who got the part: Gary Sinise
Talks of remaking A STAR IS BORN circled for years in Hollywood. Will Smith and Whitney Houston were attached at one point. Project never got off the ground.
Actor who got the part: Project Never Got Made
Originally meant to costar with Woody Allen as conjoined twins in the Farrelly bros. comedy.
Smith was considered to play Joshua Peters but turned it down because he was still shooting Ali.
Actor who got the part: Mark Wahlberg

Did you know that Will Smith was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)