Who was considered for The Matrix?
Sean Connery has publicly stated he was offered a role in the Matrix (although many people beleive it was actually The Architect in The Matrix Reloaded). He turned down the role saying he couldn't understand the script. Years later, he said that he chose to do "the League of Extraordinary Gentleman" (despite not understanding the project) because he regretted turning both "the Matrix" and "Lord of the Rings" down.
Actor who got the part: Laurence Fishburne
Costner was apparently considered for the role of Neo (seriously).
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Russell Crowe turned down the role of Morpheus.
Actor who got the part: Laurence Fishburne
Supposedly considered for the part of Neo.
According to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis, Johnny Depp was the Wachowskis' first choice for Neo.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Leonardo DiCaprio turned down the part, supposedly because he was concerned about the amount of special effects.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Duchovny was reportedly considered for the part of Neo but opted to do X-Files: Fight the Future instead.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Samuel Jackson was also considered to play Morpheus, according to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis.
Actor who got the part: Laurence Fishburne
According to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis, the studio wanted Brad Pitt or Val Kilmer for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Even though the film was made years later, some sources say the Wachowski Brothers' first choice for Neo was Brandon Lee.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
The Wachowski's wanted Jet Li for a role - reportedly "Seraph."
Gary Oldman was considered to play Morpheus, according to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis.
Actor who got the part: Laurence Fishburne
Lou Diamond Phillips' was sent the script, but was later told by his agent that the movie would flop.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
According to an interview with Matrix composer Don Davis, the studio wanted Brad Pitt or Val Kilmer for the lead role.
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
Reno turned down the role of Agent Smith to do Godzilla instead.
Actor who got the part: Hugo Weaving
Will Smith turned down the lead role, admitting later that he had no regrets because "Keanu was brilliant as Neo."
Actor who got the part: Keanu Reeves
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