Who was considered for Hush... Hush, Sweet Charlotte?
After success of teaming Bette Davis and Joan Crawford in What Ever Happened to Baby Jane, Director Aldrich wanted to recreate the pairing. Problems between Davis and Crawford forced Crawford to leave the film.
Actor who got the part: Olivia DeHavilland
Katharine was offered the role of Miriam Deering but she turned it down.
Actor who got the part: Olivia De Havilland
She refused the role of Miriam, telling director Robert Aldrich via Western Union, "I could just about look at Joan Crawford's face on a Southern plantation at 6:00 in the morning; I couldn't possibly look at Bette Davis's."
Actor who got the part: Olivia DeHavilland
Barbara Stanwyck turned down the showy supporting role of Jewel Mayhew.
Actor who got the part: Mary Astor
Thought the role of Miriam was wrong for her.
Actor who got the part: Oliva de Havilland
See more 1960s trivia
