Who was considered for Straw Dogs?
Bisset was considered for the role of Amy Sumner.
Actor who got the part: Susan George
Gould turned down the opportunity to play David Sumner.
Actor who got the part: Dustin Hoffman
Considered by director Sam Peckinpah to co-star in his violent, graphic movie about a young couple exposed to brutality in rural England.
Actor who got the part: Susan George
Jack Nicholson was considered by director Sam Peckinpah for the role of "David Sumner" in the highly controversial movie.
Actor who got the part: Dustin Hoffman
Director Sam Peckinpah considered him for the leading role in his enormously controversial, influential movie.
Actor who got the part: Dustin Hoffman
Was considered by great director Sam Peckinpah to star in his disturbing film about a man of wife subjected to brutal violence in rural England.
Actor who got the part: Susan George
Considered by great director Sam Peckinpah to co-star in this violent, controversial work.
Actor who got the part: Susan George
Was in contention for the leading role in Sam Peckinpah's violent, controversial film.
Actor who got the part: Dustin Hoffman
See more 1970s trivia
