Roles turned down by Willem Dafoe:
Dafoe was considered to play the role of the Joker according to IMDB.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Willem Dafoe was considered to play Frank Booth.
Actor who got the part: Dennis Hopper
Val Kilmer, Willem Dafoe and Benicio del Toro were each considered for the role of Mike Blueberry, but director Jan Kounen remembered conversations he had about shamanism with his friend Vincent Cassel and chose him instead.
Actor who got the part: Vincent Cassel
Willem Dafoe was considered for the role of Bill Cutting.
Actor who got the part: Daniel Day-Lewis
Willem Dafoe was considered for the voice of Hades.
Actor who got the part: James Woods
Was considered for the part of Jim Garrison.
Actor who got the part: Kevin Costner
Willem Dafoe auditioned to play Indiana Jones.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford
Willem Dafoe turned down a role in the film.
Dafoe screen tested for the part of Vida Boheme.
Actor who got the part: Patrick Swayze
In a 2006 True West magazine interview, Kurt Russell said Willem Dafoe was considered to play Doc Holiday.
Actor who got the part: Val Kilmer

Did you know that Willem Dafoe was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)