Roles turned down by James Woods:
Woods was considered for the part of Donald Kimball.
Actor who got the part: Willem Dafoe
Woods was considered to play the Joker.
Actor who got the part: Jack Nicholson
Woods turned down the role after assurances could not be made that adequate medical facilities were available in Skagway, Alaska. Woods had recently suffered a heart attack and was concerned that should further problems arise, he would not have suitable medical care.
Actor who got the part: Woody Harrelson
Was originally considered for the part of David Ferrie, but wanted to play Jim Garrison instead.
Tarantino wrote a part in the film with James Woods in mind and made numerous offers all of which Woods's agent shot down. Woods later met Tarantino and it turned out Woods's agent never even told Woods about the offers. Woods fired his agent over this incident. It is widely beleived that Woods was meant to play Mr. Orange.
Actor who got the part: Tim Roth
James Woods auditioned to play Han Solo.
Actor who got the part: Harrison Ford

Did you know that James Woods was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)