Roles turned down by Robin Williams:
Robin Williams was considered for the role of The Joker and again later for The Riddler.
Offered the role of the Riddler.
Robin Williams was reportedly considered for the role of Josh.
Actor who got the part: Tom Hanks
Robin Williams was actually cast but had to leave the project.
Williams was considered to play Willy Wonka.
Actor who got the part: Johnny Depp
Williams was considered for the role of the Joker.
Actor who got the part: Heath Ledger
Robin Williams was reportedly offered the role of the Psammead.
Actor who got the part: Eddie Izard
Rob Reiner in 1996 tried to launch a movie version of Stephen Sondheim's musical with Williams as the Baker.
Actor who got the part: Project Abandoned
Was considered for Jim Garrison.
Actor who got the part: Kevin Costner
Robin Williams was said to be considered by the studio for the part of Frank.
Actor who got the part: Steve Carell
Universal Studios wanted to cast Robin Williams instead of Charles Grodin, but Grodin tested so well with Robert De Niro that he was cast against the wishes of the studio.
Actor who got the part: Charles Grodin
Williams was considered for role of Joe Miller.
Actor who got the part: Denzel Washington
Robin Williams refused to reprise the role of the Genie.
Actor who got the part: Dan Castellaneta

Did you know that Robin Williams was not the only choice for these movies? (click to learn more)